Actionable insights to sharpen your view of talent

OMNIview provides world-class consulting to help organizations of all types improve the way they acquire and manage talent. Our experts have worked hands-on in organizations ranging from large corporations, small businesses, universities, and government.
We have the experience and knowledge to make talent goals reality!
OMNIview provides talent improvement strategies and services,
including these major areas:

Competency mapping and competency development. We do it better than anyone. Ensure executives are putting their stamp on clear requirements for current and future success in pivotal positions as well as desired cultural traits of the organization. No one knows competencies like OMNIview!
Selection Process

Ensure your hiring process is maximized to provide a full view of the talent you are recruiting and that every step of the way there is a data progression allowing deeper insights into candidates.
OMNIview consulting builds awe-inspiring recruiting processes!
Talent & Team

Who are the best players on your team? Who is poised to take on key roles? We help companies establish a process to ensure their best and brightest stay engaged, develop their full potential, and stay onboard!
OMNIview consulting can help you better manage your talent!

Before you buy expensive technology. Before you adopt that new org program. Make sure your organization’s strategy, culture, processes, people, and change management are in alignment or risk epic failure! OMNIview organizational consulting helps find your organization’s true north!
OMNIview also offers custom assessments, video simulations, executive search, and executive coaching services. Contact us for more details on these services!
Define your culture and create scientific views of talent that can be matched for hiring and promotion decisions. Add a more meaningful 360/Multi-Rater process for development. Upgrade your current performance management process. Increase organizational effectiveness. OMNIview consulting solves your talent challenges.
OMNIview consulting knows talent from all angles! We can help you improve all of your talent processes!
Get in touch today to make your talent goals reality!